Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Peanut Butter Hair

"Mom, look pretty hair!" - Bram

He decided that the peanut butter on his finger looked like hair...

Monday, August 18, 2014

I Do Not Step On Babies

Bram: "What you do to our baby girl?"

Me: "I accidently hurt her."

Bram: "Oh, you step on her?"

She threw her face into my shoulder...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tantrum #10

I not filled with much love yet!

They weren't on my bed when it was time to cuddle, so they had to go to their beds without cuddle time tonight. They have been especially obstinate the past few days so I feel like we have to really stick to our guns. Last time they were hiding in my closet instead of waiting on my bed, I explained that if they did it again, they would go straight to bed. So Anders was devastated and was screaming, "I not filled with much love yet!" Which means he doesn't feel loved. Sad night. Especially considering cuddle time is my favorite time with the boys each day.

Daddy's stupid

So Bram says to me, "but dad ... You stupid." 

I say: "that's not nice to say to people" and he gets a confused look on his face. Then he says it again and gestures

"Dad... You scoop it (pronounced stupid)"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

We Don't Speak French

David took Anders with him to the video store. As David was checking out, the girl at the register was speaking to David in French. David understands and speaks enough French to get by. I don't. Anders turned to his dad as the girl was speaking and yells, "Dad, we don't speak French." He then turns to the check-out girl and whispers, "We don't speak French." David told Anders he could understand a little bit of French, so Anders turned back to the girl and whispers, "We speak a little bit of French."

Silly Juice Bram

"And then you can get died..." - Bram

For this picture I was telling Bram to smile, and he kept saying "CHEESE!" His head is in the arm hole.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Daddy here

Syd said to explain:
Owls eat butterflies so hunter and prey work for an outfit selection criteria right?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tantrum #9

I wanted to watch a movie!